Ben and Emily in Germany

We met at the first problem session for Math 203 and hit it off trying to figure out what a 2-sphere is.1 One thing (study group) led to another (study group, except no one else showed up), and eventually it was midnight during reading period and Ben was asking Emily to test something that said it was a racing game but actually displayed the text "Emily, will you go out with me?" It worked perfectly.

We dated the three years to graduation and we dated three years long-distance2 and we dated six months short-distance3, and then we decided we were going to get engaged. So Ben wrote a web app that would surprise us both with a proposal date, and every morning we woke up and asked the app if we were getting engaged that day, and on March 6, 2018, it said "You are engaged today!" and displayed an ASCII art cake.4

We are delighted to be marrying each other and excited to celebrate the occasion with you.

1. A 2-sphere is exactly what you think of when you think of a sphere. It is not to be confused with a 1-sphere, which is a circle, or any other n-sphere, which is the n-dimensional manifold that forms the boundary of a ball in (n+1)-dimensional space.

2. It's about a thousand miles between Chicago and Boston.

3. Our apartment is less than fifty feet long.

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